Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another Check

January 26, 2011

4:23 PM

Detailed Weather: 

Wind - 
  • It was slightly windy, enough for the blades of grass to sway, but not significant. 
  • Beaufort Scale: 2
  • Direction: South
Clouds - 

  • a few cirrus clouds high in the sky, but the sky was pretty close to empty.  
  • type: cirrus
  • color: bright white
Temperature -
  • Air: 29° Fahrenheit
  • C = (29 - 32) x 5/9
  • C = -3 x 5/9
  • C = -3/1 x 5/9
  • C = -15/9
  • Temperature = -1.33333333333° Celsius
  • Water:  The water was STILL frozen (after the snow)!  Because of my last experience I was safe and did not record a water depth or temperature.  

  • Water temperature: NA
    Water Depth: NA

General Observations: 

Measurements - 

  • Bur oak tree branch - I measured my branch and was interested to find it was only 116.5 centimeters.  I couldn't figure out why this was and then figured out that it must have been broken off.  Possibly by a human, or maybe because of harsh winds.  
  • bur oak tree branch = 116.5 cm
  • water depth: 32 centimeters (underneath the ice) 

Biota - 

  • 2 bur oak other biota was visible because of the snow.  There were also no animals out for the winter. 
Differences from previous months - 

  • Seasonal changes: 
    • The pond has frozen again. It is completely frozen over because of a temperature drop.  It snowed again
  • my bur oak tree "measuring branch" is longer--117.6 cm.  It grows more slowly in the wintertime. 
  • My ecosystem did not undergo any major changes, because it was snowy and silent last time I visited. 

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