Sunday, January 2, 2011

January Check

January 2, 2011

2:55 PM

Detailed Weather: 

Wind - 
  • none.  There was absolutely no wind for the entire time I was at my ecosystem. 
  • Beaufort Scale: 0
  • Direction: NA
Clouds - 

  • There were no clouds in the sky.  

Temperature -

  • Air: 8° Celsius
  • Water:  The water was still frozen over...but I foolishly decided to stand on it so some of it would break off and I could still do my measurements and fell in.  But here are the measurements.

  • Water Temperature: 3° Celsius

General Observations: 

Measurements - 

  • Bur oak tree branch - I measured my branch and was interested to find it was only 116.5 centimeters.  I couldn't figure out why this was and then figured out that it must have been broken off.  Possibly by a human, or maybe because of harsh winds.  
  • bur oak tree branch = 116.5 cm
  • water depth: 32 centimeters (underneath the ice) 

Biota - 

  • 2 bur oak trees
Differences from previous months - 

  • Seasonal changes: 
    • The pond is less frozen than before.  Some of the ice has melted, which was why I was able to break through it this time.  
    • Most of the snow also melted.  This is because the drastic increase in temperatures since the blizzard.  
  • There was more water (underneath the ice) since last 
  • my bur oak tree "measuring branch" is set back in growth!
  • My ecosystem was completely silent.  Usually I can hear frogs croaking and crickets chirping.  However, there was no sound at all.  I also did not find any biota besides the two trees that are there no matter what.  It is shutting down for hibernation!  

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