Sunday, February 13, 2011

February Update

February 13, 2011

2:12 PM

Detailed Weather: 

Wind - 
  • I could feel wind blowing constantly in my face, and even the trees were moving.  However, it was a very light breeze, not a harsh wind. 
  • Beaufort Scale: 3
  • South: I confirmed this by bringing a compass and recording the correct direction
Clouds - 

  • The  entire sky was covered in wispy clouds.
  • They were pure white
  • cirrus clouds.  
Temperature -

  • Air: 48° Fahrenheit
  • Fahrenheit to Celsius: 
C = (48 - 32) x 5/9

C = 16 x 5/9

C = 16/1 x 5/9

C = -90/9

C = 9

  • 9° Celsius
  • Water:  The water was completely frozen over even though it has not snowed in a while.  I could not break this ice, and it was thick enough to support my younger brother, who was walking all over it.

General Observations: 

Measurements - 

  • Bur oak tree branch - 48
  • inches to centimeters conversion - 
2.54n = c

2.54(48) = c

c = 121.92

  • bur oak tree branch = 121.92 cm
  • water depth: NA
  • water temperature: NA

Biota - 

  • 2 bur oak trees
  • American geese
Differences from previous months - 

  • Seasonal changes: 
    • The pond was more frozen than before, which was surprising.  February has been bringing some warmer temperatures, so I suspect that it will be melted by my next visit. 
    • It was much warmer this time, though there was still snow and ice. 
  • my bur oak tree "measuring branch" is coming back from before when it broke.  It is continuing growth slightly faster. 
  • I noticed a large flock of geese flying above me, and heard them for a while.  This is showing me that animals are starting to come back. 

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