Monday, May 2, 2011

Sittin' and Watchin'...

April 30, 2011

This Sit and Watch consumed 15 minutes of my time at my ecosystem.  I remember my previous sit and watch being boring, as it was in the winter and the ecosystem was dormant and cold.  This one was better, in the above-60 degree weather.  Here is what I wrote:

I see the clear blue sky with some wispy clouds high in the sky.  The pond water and plants are still, as there is no wind today.  There is a constant clicking of katydids, as the area is becoming more alive.  The grass is extremely green, and looks well watered from the previous rain.  The area even smells like grass, a scent I associate with spring.  The creek is filled with slightly muddy water, which is covered with a green film in some areas.  I notice a dragonfly fly by, a regular occurance in my ecosystem.  Prior to this study, I had never seen this type of dragonfly, with white  stripes.  There are untouched weeds and crabrass sprouting from the creek.  Overall, my ecosystem looks like it is ready for spring and being alive.  After 15 minutes, I do not feel uncomfortable as the temperature is perfect to just sit in. 

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