Monday, May 2, 2011

Another Check

April 30, 2011

1:14 PM

Detailed Weather: 

Wind - 
  • There was no wind at all. 
  • Beaufort Scale: 0
  • NA: I felt the same while standing in all directions.  
Clouds - 

  • There were a few clouds, scattered here and there, but not many. 
  • color: pure white
  • type: cirrus

Temperature -

  • Air: 62° Fahrenheit
  • Fahrenheit to Celsius: 
C = (62 - 32) x 5/9

C = 30 x 5/9

C = 30/1 x 5/9

C = 150/9

C = 16.666666666666

  • 16.6666666666666° Celsius
  • Water:  The water temperature was 47° Fahrenheit:

C = (47-32) x 5/9 

C = 15 x 5/9

C = 15/1 x 5/9

C = 75/9

C = 8.33333333333

General Observations: 

Measurements - 
  • Bur oak tree branch - 52 inches
  • inches to centimeters conversion - 
2.54n = c

2.54(52) = c

c = 132.08

  • bur oak tree branch = 132.08 cm
  • water depth: 14.5 inches:
    • inches to centimeters conversion - 
    2.54n = c
    2.54(14.5) = c
    c = 35.83 cm
  • water temperature: 8.3333333333° Celsius

Biota - 

  • 2 bur oak trees
  • common white-tailed dragonfly
  • common green foxtail
  • common virtuoso katydid
Differences from previous months - 

  • Seasonal changes: 
    • The temperature is actually lower now than it was last time, so the temperatures are sporadic.  
    • I am starting to hear sounds, like the sound of the katydid, again.  
    • There was still more water from the rain
  • Again, I noticed more biota. 

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