Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sit And Watch...

In order to be completely honest, I will first say that my sit and watch was fairly dull.  The sights included a view of the clear sky, which was dotted with a few wispy white cirrus clouds.  The first thing I noticed with my sense of sight was that my ecosystem now has water.  This is phenomenal, considering I have completed all but one entry without my water.  After about 4 minutes, I see a large bird fly by.  According to my compass, he is flying south, which makes sense because winter is approaching.  In retrospect, I should have photographed these things, but I unfortunately never get my camera out quickly enough.  I feel the wind, which is stronger than usual today.  from the way I am facing, it is hitting me directly in the face.  I can hear a constant buzz and clicking sound of the murmuring katydids.  They sort of become part of the background after a while, and I get completely used to them.  I see the weeds that are growing out of the creek area.  Despite the inconvenience in journaling, I am glad I had the opportunity to see the bottom of the creek without water in it.  The pliant stems of weeds and grasses are softly swaying with the breeze.  Not harshly, but still swiftly.  After fifteen minutes, it is very slightly darker and  the wind is no longer hitting me in the face.  I did not witness very much wildlife in action, but my dormant ecosystem still had it's high points to observe.

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